What is LouMUG?
It’s a forum for computer professionals in the Louisville area interested in gaining and sharing knowledge in Microsoft technologies through networking and education. Some recent events covered:
- Azure
- Microsoft Licensing
- PowerShell
- Office 365
- Virtualization
- Cyber Security
- SharePoint
- Teams
- IT Outsourcing Strategies
- Peripherals
- Disaster Recovery
- IT Hiring & Recruiting
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Strategies
- Windows 10 Deployment Strategies
LouMUG will be meeting for lunch from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm!
LouMUG’s meeting are held at various locations, including Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, Flexential, American Printing House for the Blind, and Buffalo Construction. LouMUG is always looking for locations to meet. If you have ideas on meeting locations, please contact us!
Anyone is invited to attend LouMUG! LouMUG has over 400 members with 75-100 members in attendance each week. There is no membership fee to join. Bring a friend, enjoy the networking, lunch and free education!
LouMUG Events
Keep checking our Events section for more details on all upcoming LouMUG meeting dates, times, topics, and locations!
Ready To Get Mugged?
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